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Highly likely - due to advances in medicine and post-natal care. Babies have been born much earlier and still survived.
yes but they are considered


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Q: Can a baby survive if it is born at 29 weeks?
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What is the percentage of babies that survive at 29 weeks?

My best friend just had her baby at 30 weeks and he came out 3lbs 2oz and is doing very well. Your baby might have to stay in the NICU for awhile though Good luck!

Is it dangerous to go into labor at 29 weeks?

Although all the baby's organs are formed it is not yet fully developed or mature enough for an independent existence. If it survives it will need specialist care in a neo-natal unit for many weeks and may have developmental problems. Only a small percentage of babies born at 24 weeks survive.

What chance does a 29 week old baby have of living?

Pretty high. There is a lot that can be done to help a baby born at 29 weeks. He or she would need to be in an incubator for a while and have help with breathing and feeding, but the chances of survival are high

How premature can a baby be born healthily?

That is very dependant on both the current health of the baby and the mother. I delivered four healthy babies at 33 +4 weeks, with no long term complication. From memory after 29 weeks there is a 90% survival rate.

How many weeks between August 5 2012 and February 27 2013?

29 weeks and 3 days.29 weeks and 3 days.29 weeks and 3 days.29 weeks and 3 days.29 weeks and 3 days.29 weeks and 3 days.29 weeks and 3 days.29 weeks and 3 days.29 weeks and 3 days.29 weeks and 3 days.29 weeks and 3 days.

What does your baby look like at 29 weeks?

Like this:

Do babys change breech position at 29weeks?

From what i understand, the baby usually moves to the birth friendly head down position between the 34th and 35th weeks. 29 weeks seems a little early, the baby would still be small enough to tumble around all in there for a little while longer. In short , at 29 weeks your baby's position is not "fixed" yet, Just hang in there and trust your body, after all, its built to do all this!

How healthy are babies born at 29.5 weeks?

With proper neonatal care, a baby born at 29 weeks has a good chance of living a healthy life. However, each case is different as per each baby's different circumstances, and usual results may not always be what happens in each case.

If you lost your mucus plug at 29 weeks and started dilating and the doctor could feel the baby's head and the baby measured four pounds are you further along than what they say you are?

You could be or your going to have a big baby.

What are the odds of a baby being born on February 29?

The odds of a baby being born on February 29, a leap day, are approximately 1 in 1,461, as it only occurs once every four years.

How far along is twenty nine weeks during pregnancy?

29 weeks is considered the third trimester of your pregnancy. There is an average of about 7 weeks left until the child should be born given he or she is born at the end of the third trimester.

How many weeks are there in 29 days?

There is 4 weeks and 1 day in 29 days