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No, most states do not allow liens on anything for back child support owed. Most state only allow garnishment of wages and garnishment of state and federal income tax refunds.

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Q: Can a lien be placed on a living trust when the known beneficiary owes back child support?
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Is a spouse entitled to part of life insurance benefits even if child is named as beneficiary?

The policy is paid to the beneficiary. It should be placed in trust for the child if the child is a minor. If the child is an adult, the proceeds will be sent to the named beneficiary.

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No. If your child is a beneficiary under another person's Will you cannot reject that inheritance on their behalf. The court will see the inheritance is placed in trust for the child.No. If your child is a beneficiary under another person's Will you cannot reject that inheritance on their behalf. The court will see the inheritance is placed in trust for the child.No. If your child is a beneficiary under another person's Will you cannot reject that inheritance on their behalf. The court will see the inheritance is placed in trust for the child.No. If your child is a beneficiary under another person's Will you cannot reject that inheritance on their behalf. The court will see the inheritance is placed in trust for the child.

Is the beneficiary of a life insurance policy responsible for back child support of deceased?

No, you are not responsible for their back child support.

What happens if you on child support probation and he miss one payment?

Report the missed payment to the court or child support enforcement- whatever agency placed him on probation.Report the missed payment to the court or child support enforcement- whatever agency placed him on probation.Report the missed payment to the court or child support enforcement- whatever agency placed him on probation.Report the missed payment to the court or child support enforcement- whatever agency placed him on probation.

What can you do if your baby's mom is living with you and you're paying her child support?

Child support is to provide for children not living with you, it would be assumed if you are living with your child that you are supporting them - take it up with your local child support board.

Do you have to pay child support if the child is in boarding school?

What, boarding school is free? Yes, you have to pay your child support payments regardless of where the child is living. They are used to support the child regardless of where they are living.

Do you pay child support if child is living with grandparents?

If you're the parent, and the child isn't living with you, then you pay child support - unless the child has been legally adopted.

Can the guardian of a child stop child support?

No. The guardian of a minor child cannot "relieve" the parent of their child support obligation. That power is reserved for the courts. If the guardian doesn't need it to help support the child then it should be deposited into a trust with the child as the sole beneficiary at college time.

What happens when you have a child support lien placed on you?

you have to pay it

How do you get the father living in Texas pay for child support for a child living in CA?

Contact the CA child support agency. Be polite but persistent. Good luck!

If a child of the deceased is an only child and the girl friend is the beneficiary does the child have a right to the money?

This is dependent on state law and if there are arrears allowing for a lien to be placed on the estate. The child will be getting SS Death benefits.

Is there a limit to child support you can get while on SSI in the State of Washington?

Child support awards are based upon the income (all assets) of the obligated parent. The child support payment may affect the amount of SSI being received by the named beneficiary.