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Yes, baby teeth can hurt, and most of the time will hurt. The reason they hurt is because you are exposing tender gums and you are ripping roots out of the gums.

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Q: Can baby teeth hurt sometimes when they get loose?
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Does it hurt puppies to lose their teeth?

No. When puppies lose their "baby" teeth, they don't even feel it, because the teeth get so loose they literally just fall out as their adult teeth start coming in.

Does baby teeth hurt when you pull it out?

Depending on whether or not you were given novicane. If not, then yes. Some discomfort will be present. Try taking a pain reliever beforehand and afterwards when you get a baby tooth pulled out to lessen the soreness.

Do baby teeth hurt when you have to pull them out?

It could hurt if you pulled it out hard. But if you wiggle it everyday, it would not hurt then.

Do people often have teeth pulled while braces are on there teeth?

If everything is just right, there is no need, but sometimes it is done. They usually only pull them if they are baby teeth, to make room for things to move around. Baby teeth don't hurt as bad to have removed. It will just be tender for the first day or two.

Why don't your baby teeth hurt when they come out?

Baby teeth have no nerves or "feet" like permanent teeth, so when they come out, it's just the tooth.

Do children lose canine teeth?

yesIn actuality, no they do not regrow, but will be replaced by permanent/adult teeth. See the answer in: Do children canine teeth grow back?

Does it hurt when you get bitten by a guinea pig?

Sometimes. It sometimes plays with you with its teeth to show its affection for you.

Does getting braces hurt if you have crooked teeth?

You will have to get braces if your teeth are twisted but you don't have to get them until your 20,30 or 40 years old and your teeth can untwist if you lose all your baby teeth I think.

How can you tell if your teeth are rotting?

If your teeth are getting holes or your teeth hurt when you don't have a loose tooth, that's how you know.

How do you lose your molars?

The permanent tooth is pushing outwards, causing the old, baby tooth to fall out.However, permanent teeth can be knocked out from injuries and the such.People loose teeth by either having them pulled out, or some people knock them out by falling over or having a hockey ball to the face. Little children around the age of six may have their baby teeth pushed out by there second teeth (grown up teeth) and normally wobble them or pull them to break the nerves and they fall out and the tooth fairy then comes.

Do permanent teeth bleed when they are loose?

no they just hurt really bad and if you leave them alone they will hard up

What does it mean when your teeth hurt and feel loose but its not a tooth ache?

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