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No: Trichinosis is still very prevalent in wild game such as bear: Trusting the care of the meat from kill to processing is a good answer for gamieness but not for health. from someone else:Yes, but you have to trust the person that killed the bear. It has to be prepared as soon as possible after the kill. Blood drains, etc. Bear should be cooked at a low heat (325 degrees). Like beef it can be medium rare in the middle and more cooked near the ends of the roast. I use apple with a little onion over the bear to give it a nice taste without covering up the taste of the meat and it gets rid of any wild taste and I also do this with deer or moose meat.

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Q: Can bear meat safely be eaten medium rare?
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Can bear meat be eaten medium rare?

Wild bear meat should be cooked completely due to possible Tularemia and other possible diseases. Bears carry the same diseases that pigs do so the same caution should be used as with pork. Several famous arctic explorers have died when they ate uncooked polar bear meat but don't let that scare you as it is safe when cooked completely just as pork is.

What are some ways humans use bears?

people use bears 4 their fur. sometimes they have eaten bear meat.

What eats a bear when it is an adult?

Man is the only predator to a bear when it is an adult. Unless it dies from a fight or old age/sickness, then it can be eaten by all forest meat eating dwellers.

What do you call bear meat?

bear meat

Can moose meat be eaten medium rare?

It is all a matter of taste. Some people believe that moose meat should be fully cooked to prevent the eater from possibly getting worms or an allergic reaction to it.

Is bear meat called vension?

No. It's just called bear meat. Deer meat is venison.

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no meat was eaten on a Friday

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meat that's eaten in the UK are pig, cow, horse, and also chicken

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Virtually any animal can be eaten. Dingo meat is certainly not a meat eaten today, however.

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In an average medium size crab, there is about ½ cup of meat. There usually isn't a lot of meat in crabs.

How do you safely defrost meat?

Leave the meat in the frige for one day.

Can deer meat safely be eaten medium rare?

It's not good for your health. Harvard researchers tracked food choices of more than 121,000 adults for up to 28 years, and published their results in 2012 in the Archives of Internal Medicine. They found that each daily increase of three ounces of red meat was associated with a 12% greater risk of dying over all, including a 16% greater risk of cardiovascular death and a 10% greater risk of cancer death.