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Yes, they can hear themselves in their heads. That's what thoughts are for! :-)

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14y ago

Deaf pepople can hear themselves because thay are specials and have specials powers.

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The same way...

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Q: If a person with hearing can hear their own thoughts in their voice how does a deaf person hear their thoughts?
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Im a doctor having a profound hearing loss is it better to marry a deaf man?

It should not matter if you marry a deaf/hearing person. Just because you are deaf does not mean you must marry a deaf person just as it doesn't mean a hearing person must marry hearing. Whoever you fall in love with and WANT to marry is who you should marry, regardless of whether the person is hearing or deaf.

How do you sell music to a deaf person?

A deaf person can feel the vibrations of the music, therefore, hearing it in a sense.

What is another word for a deaf person?

hearing impaired

A person who can't hear is called what?

There is a disorder for that called Oppositional Defiant Disorder. I have it.

What is the least effective communication strategy between deaf and hearing people?

Lip reading is one of the least effective ways of communicating between a hearing and a deaf person.

How does deafness affect a person?

They have difficulty hearing. The deaf or hearing impaired are not particularly physically or otherwise impaired beyond issues with hearing.

What is another word for a deaf person instead of calling them a slow person?

You could try their name!

Is Holly Hunter deaf?

No, the actress Holly Hunter is not deaf. Holly Hunter is hearing impaired- she has no hearing in one ear, in deaf culture while she is not deaf she is not hearing either.

How would you describe a typical patient who receives a hearing aid?

a deaf person

What does it mean to be aurally challenged?

A person or animal that is aurally challenged is deaf or hard of hearing. In humans, if hearing is not corrected with a hearing aide, the person usually communicates with sign language.

What is a person who can't speak see or hear called?

Deaf A hearing impaired person/ Deaf.

How do deaf think to themselves?

They do it like any other person would - in their thoughts. When you think, you are just repeating words in your head, not using your ears to listen to your own thoughts, unless you are thinking out loud. The thought process is in no way connected, or relying on, hearing or ear function.