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Yes, definitely. Usually abusers come from abusive families and may be mentally ill themselves.

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Q: Can domestic violence cause mental health problems?
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I assume you're references Munchhausen syndrome, in that the person craves the attention they get from being considered a victim of domestic violence?

Why is there so much domestic violence?

Domestic violence is complex and can be caused by a combination of factors such as power dynamics, social norms, upbringing, mental health issues, and substance abuse. It is important to address these root causes through education, support services, and enforcement of laws to prevent and address domestic violence.

Some community health problems?

Community health problems include HIV/AIDS, tobacco abuse, other substance abuse, injury and violence, overweight and obesity and mental ill health. Tobacco abuse is said to be the greatest cause of early deaths in the USA.

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Defention about domestic violence?

Domestic Violence is any sort of violence caused to one's partner in a matrimonial relationship or live in relationship or any form of domestic relationship. Domestic violence can be any sort of mental or physical torture. Domestic violence causes a great trauma to victim as the victim feels unsafe in his own house. If one needs more details they can approach to siddhartha shah and associates on 093222 86663.

What reaction do people have to domestic violence?

Disconnect with the abuser. Take steps to heal and recover from the mental trauma.

What obstacle keeps soldiers from receiving mental health assistance?

1. The stigma associated with mental health problems.

What Factors influence the mental health of individuals that leads them to mental health problems in the community?

Stress and biological predisposition.

What is an at risk youth?

Youngsters who are being raised in negative environments (consisting of domestic violence, substance abuse, absent parents, teenage parents, etc.) and who are genetically pre-disposed to mental and behavioral health problems are youths who are "at-risk." At-risk youth are "at-risk" for a problematic development based on their lifestyle, upbringing, genetics, lack of role models or mentors, poor educational background, poor boundaries, mental health problems, and genetics. All of these things converge or mesh to create "at-risk" youth.

What is the difference between mental illness and mental health?

Mental health is a reflection of your overall emotional well being and mental illness refers to specific problems or disorders

Which of the following is a common obstacle that keeps Soldiers from receiving mental health assistance?

the stigma associated with mental health problems

What's the word for a reckless form of physical or mental abuse among people who live together?

Domestic Violence