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UV exposure is a common trigger for cold sores. I would not recommend their use for people with cold sores.

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Q: Can people use sunbeds if they have a cold sore?
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Can you get a cold sore off a old tube of cold sore medication?

No. But don't use medicines that have passed their expiry date.

Can you use sunbeds with metal in your neck?

yes you can

How do you use alowera in cold or vanishing cream?

If the cold sore is on or around the mouth then it's probably best not to use those things, they could irritate your sore or be toxic to you. The best thing to use on cold sores is over the counter cream like abreva.

Does lemon juice kill cold sores?

No. Cold sores are from the herpes simplex virus and lemon juice won't help them. Yes, it will burn when you put it on the cold sores, but that is all. I have found that there are over the counter creams that work.

Can you use altabax for cold sores?

Altabax is an antibacterial, not an antiviral medication; so it will not help a cold sore.

How do you get rid of a coldsores?

You use Abreva. It is the only cold sore medicine that i would recommend. It works extremely fast and you could have it gone in less than a week. If your cold sore has not even already started and you feel a tingling sensation on your lip, you are most likely to get a cold sore in the next few hours. The best thing to do then is to use Abreva and/or put cold ice onto your lip. I hope that helps. (:

What can you use to cure a cold sore?

It is a virus, so you have to outwait it. Neosporin may help it heal.

Can Vicodin cause cold sores?

It's not supposed to. If you abuse it or over use vicodin then that can lower your immune system which can trigger a cold sore to break out.

What if a cold sore wont leave?

There are two remedies that I use for cold sores. The first is put milk of magnesia on it overnight. It helps to dry out the cold sore and allows it to heal much faster. The second is to put carmex medicated chapstick on it everyday until it's gone.

Does desonide works for cold sores?

NO you shouldn't use that, specially if the cold sore is on or around the mouth. It's supposed to help sooth rashes and some skin conditions. They say not to apply it around the eyes, nose or mouth. Just get your self some cold sore cream from the pharmacy.

Should sunbeds be banned?

Their use should be severely restricted, and youngsters should be banned from using them. They can cause skin cancer and other dideases. People have died from direct overexposure.

Can you use magnesium sulphate paste bp on cold sores?

Probably not the best thing to use on cold sores, specially if they are around the mouth. That may aggravate your sores. The safest thing to use is over the counter cold sore creams like abreva.