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AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) is a diagnosis given to individuals who are infected with HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus). HIV is the virus that causes someone to develop AIDS.

There are instances where a child is born HIV+, but with treatment, could ultimately be virus free after treatment.

This is the only instance where a human is able to be cleared of infection. An infants ability to clear HIV infection is a result of the state of their immune system at birth. Breast milk contains enough HIV to transmit infection because of the large concentration of white blood cells found in the fluid. White blood cells are passed from mother-to-child during breastfeeding to compensate for an infants lack of a developed immune system.

If a healthcare provider acts swiftly, it is possible to take advantage of the infant's weakened immune state before the virus is given the opportunity to "take-hold."

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Q: Can someone be born with AIDS and lose the disease over time?
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It's not that they lose the white blood cells, it's that the white blood cells are actually infected with AIDS. If they got the disease where they made too much, then more white blood cells would just get infected. The overall effect would be the same. The white blood cells can't kill HIV/AIDS because the virus is changing so much that your body can't really recognize it. Besides, histiocytosis (the disease where your body makes an excess of white blood cells) would probably just complicate the situation.

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