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Q: Can the IRS take a life insurance check?
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Where can the federal definition of life insurance be found?

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Can life insurance benefits be seized by the IRS for back taxes?

Almost any asset you have can be seized by the IRS on a claim or judgement.

When is IRS Form 712 required?

IRS forn 712 is tax deduction form in case of LIfe insurance statement

Can the IRS seize your term life insurance benefits?

Yes. They can seize anything.

Can the IRS take your 401k or IRA check for back child support in Georgia?

No, the IRS does not have the legal power to take such action.

Can IRS hold funds for bankruptcy?

can the IRS take your check if you file bankruptcy , chapter 13 or will I have to submit the check to them once received.

Is it mandatory for companies to provide life insurance?

No, it's not mandatory. The IRS is allowing employers to deduct the costs of providing Group Life Insurance, up to $50,000 per individual, and construing this benefit as non-taxable to the employees. Group Life insurance is non-portable, you can't take it with you, and ceases when you leave your workplace.

With a company life insurance policy for your spouse if he dies and you both owe back taxes to the IRS can the company take the money to pay the IRS before you get the payout from the life ins co?

No, if you are the beneficiary of the policy you will receive the money in full from the ins company, not the employer. If the employer is the beneficiary and they have an agreement to pay you a specific amount from the death benefit then yes they can. But this is rare. If it is just a regular company offered group life ins policy your contract is with the life ins company, not the employer. So the employer has nothing to do with the process of you being paid. You will receive a check from the ins co as soon as they receive the death certificate. But the IRS can take the money from your bank account....they will always find a way to get what they say is owed to them!

How long does it take to get direct deposit from turbo tax?

Depends on when the taxes were filed. The IRS sets the calendar not Turbo Tax. Check the IRS web site.

Do you report insurance claims to the IRS?

As a rule of thumb you should never report anything to the IRS

How long does it take for IRS to cash check for money owed to them?

The IRS are fairly prompt with cashing checks. The IRS cashes checks for money owed to them within a week and most of the time it is within three days.