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No. Divorces are complex issues, and in some cases the vicar in question might be a totally innocent party to the divorce. For example the vicar's spouse might have been engaged in an extramarital affair and left home with the new partner. There is a difference, however, in a vicar who, having gone through a divorce decides to remarry. As the issue is complex, it is up to the bishop of the diocese to decide whether or not that vicar should be able to remarry, and whether or not he or she should be allowed to remarry in church if that is the wish. There are those who have a hard line on divorce and remarriage deapite divorce being accepted as a necessity of life in some cases by Our Lord himself, but in these circumstances one must ask what Jesus would do... and the answer is that He would treat the person with compassion and mercy and not judge. And neither should we.

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No vicars are not allowed to divorce.

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Q: Should a vicar lose his job if he has a divorce?
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no they should not what if they have to get a job or some thing they dont have time for school. we wount use have the stuff we learn .

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