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No. A negative test is 0-5, inconclusive up to 24ml - once the level hits 25ml, in a blood test it will show positive, for a urine test you need 50ml to 100ml depending on the sensitivity of the test -

These levels are usually reached in the days just after implantation, the level continues to rise to 25,700 - 288,000 mIU/ml in weeks 9 to 12 - at which time the placenta kicks in and begins taking over the care of the fetus. From 13 weeks on the levels very slowly drop.

If by 5 weeks since LMP the level can't be detected, the doctor would know something was very wrong.

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Q: Can you be 9 weeks pregnant and still have such low hcg levels that it wont show in a urine test?
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Can you still be pregnant but get a neg urine test?

You are not pregnant. I don't know if this is a relief or a disappointment for you. the above answer is not true, it may take awhile for hcg levels to show up on both urine and blood streams. I would wait for about 2 weeks and take another test.

You had a miscarriage 4 weeks ago dr said hcg levels dropped but still feel pregnant?

i think i had a miscarriage, but i never knew i was pregnant. how do i find out for sure

Does it have to be the first urine of the day to tell you if you ars pregnant?

Not always, but it certainly helps. If you are more than 4 weeks pregnant, it should not matter but if you are less than that I would recommend using your morning urine when taking a pregnancy test. This is because your pregnancy hormone (hCG) levels are at their highest.

If you are 7 weeks pregnant and bleeding enough to wear a liner is it normal for the pregnancy to still exist but for your HCG levels to be down?

I am afraid that a fall in HCG levels is not a good sign.

Can you test urine three weeks old for pregnancy?

That urine would be too young to get pregnant. Don't bother testing it.

Can you b pregnant 2 weeks after misscarage if hvg levels are not back to zero?

Yes, it is completely possible to be pregnant again 2 weeks after a miscarriage, even if HCG levels are not back down to zero. If you suspect that you are pregnant, see your doctor.

How many weeks does it take to know that your pregnant?

This will generally depend on the test that is used to detect a pregnancy. Blood tests are more accurate in that they can detect a pregnancy earlier. As soon as two weeks after a missed period, blood tests can detect levels of Hcg (the hormone pregnant females produce). Urine pregnancy tests generally do not detect a pregnancy before the 6th week because sometimes it takes that long for Hcg levels to rise to the point where a urine test will be sensitive enough to detect it.

Can you be pregnant with hcg level of 24?

Just to let you know. I am 4 weeks pregnant and my levels are at 24 now.

38 weeks pregnant with burning urine?

You might have an infection. You need to speak to your doctor ASAP

If you are already pregnant can you still get pregnant again six weeks later?

no its impossible

If had a miscarriage 7 weeks ago at 7 weeks pregnant but you still feel the same am bloated constantly could you still be pregnant?

If the doctor examined you after the miscarriage you are not pregnant anymore. He would've caught it. It takes several weeks for the hormones to settle so that might be it or you are pregnant again.

Is it possible to be 10 weeks pregnant and get a negative urine test if you dont know when you next period is suppose to be if theyre usually about 4 months apart if you have symptoms and everything?

If you have had a negative urine test, you are almost sure not be 10 weeks pregnant. Even if you are menstrating every 4 months, you are actually ovulating about 14 days before you bleed. If this helps you any. A home pregnancy test will begin to pick up HCG in your urine about 14 days after conception. I have heard of people who have low HCG levels and therefore the test doesn't show positive for about 3-4 weeks after conception. At 4 weeks after conception, you are said to be 6 weeks pregnant (as doctors usually count from the date of your last period for "normal" women!). Therefore at a stretch, you may be 6 weeks along. If you are sure you are pregnant, from your symptoms and all, have a blood test done. This measures your HCG levels also, but in your blood, rather than your urine. This is said to be more accurate. Yes, its possible. The only way of finding out if your pregnant in this situation is by having a blood test. The blood test you need is quantitative beta hcg. Trust me you can be pregnant and get a negative HPT. I was two months pregnant with twins and I kept getting negatives. When I was 11 weeks I finally got positives. The reason for negative HPT when pregnant is because your body isn't spilling enough HCG into your urine - hence the negative HPT. Have a blood test and get it done now. Good luck.