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A lot of people have. A significant number of people have also died trying, though, so you might want to consider working up to it with "easy" peaks like Mont Blanc or Monte Rosa first.

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Q: Can you climb to the top of Mount Everest?
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Is there competitions where you climb to the top of mount Everest?

No, there are no competitions where you race to the top of Mount Everest. Mount Everest is a dangerous mountain to climb.

What will you give me if i climb the great mount Everest?

If you climbed Mount Everest I would give you my congratulations on reaching the top of the world.

Why would you climb Mount Everest?

I would climb Mount Everest for the adventure and challenge.

Who is the next person to climb mount everest?

The next person to climb to the top of Mount Everest is likely to be a Sherpa. It is the sherpas who fix the trail from the bottom to the top of the mountain so they will be up there before anyone else.

Who was first to climb all the way to the top of mount Everest?

Edmund Hillary

What year did hillary get to the top of Mount Everest?

It took Edmund Hillary 7 weeks to climb Mount Everest.

What year did Edmund Hillary climb mount Everest?

Edmund Hillary climb Mount Everest in 1953.

Who were the to people to get to mount Everest?

I'm taking it your question is 'Who were the two people to climb mount Everest and reach the top?' If so, the first two people to climb Mount Everest were Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay, they climbed the Mountain in May 1955.

Who was credited as the first to climb to the top of Mount Everest?

Edmund Hillary is credited as being the first person to reach the summit of Mount Everest in 1953.

Do you have to have permission to climb Mount Everest?

To climb Mount Everest you need to buy a climbing permit first, without this you are not allowed to climb.

Is mount everest the hardest mountain to climb?

No Mount Everest is not the hardest mountain to climb, there are many mountains that are very hard to climb.

Who was the first woman to climb Mount Everest twice in world?

The first woman to climb Mount Everest twice was Santosh Yadav from India. She climbed Mount Everest in 1992 and 1993.