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If you are taking any form of medication responsibly as prescribed, it is fine to operate heavy equipment unless your doctor tells you otherwise.

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Q: Can you drive a tow truck while taking methadone?
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The disqualifying medications are: any prescription medicine or controlled substance without a prescription a habit forming drug, unless the prescribing doctor writes a letter stating you are safe to be a commercial driver while taking the medicine. If you have that letter, the medical examiner can, but does not have to, certify you to drive antiseizure medicines used to prevent seizures methadone As long as you have a prescription for warfarin, you can drive while taking it.

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You can take basically any of the popular over the counter medicines you want for a headache while taking methadone. Tylenol, Advil, Aspirin they are all safe to take while taking methadone. I made sure by contacting several pharmacist and asking. They all confirmed the safety of taking them together.

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What can i take for nausea and vomiting While taking methadone?

Taking less methadone would help. Talk to the doctor who prescribed you the methadone. He/she will be able to prescribe an anti-emetic such as Phenergan or change the methadone to another medication (if you are using it for pain).

Can you work while taking methadone?

Yes, as long as methadone is taken as prescribed, you can maintain employment.

Can you drive when taking methadone?

you can drive while on any dose of methadone, as long as it is a stable dose. and do not have the "nod". i was on 20mls and just recently up'd to 30mls. On 20mls i felt great wide awake and lots of energy. Today on 30mls, i am nodding off and have a bad headache. so today i would not drive my car. hope that helps.

Can you have children on methadone?

Yes, you can. If you do get pregnant while on methadone, do , PLEASE , PLEASE , not detox. At best it will be a shaky experience for you. At worst, you can end up having a miscarriage.

Does taking oxycodeine make you sick while on methadone?

No. A clinic will truy and tell u that the methadone will block the effecfs, but this is also not true.

Can you take acetaminophen while taking methadone?

Yes, but make sure it is prescribed properly by a physician that knows you are taking either drug.

Can you use herion while on methadone?

yes, but methadone fills the neural receptors for opiates in the brain mush stronger than smack. If you are on 20mgs. or more of methadone, you are wasteing your time.

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