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I have many people telling me that it's impossible for me to be feeling my babies move so early on but I KNOW what I am feeling. First off it was gas you would think the gas bubble would travel around and eventually come out but my movement is all in the same place, etc. For me the twins will be babies 6 & 7 so I know a thing or two about movements and I know that for me with every baby I begin to feel them move earlier than the last. I think that it all depends on how you carry them, how sensitive you are to the movements, and how tuned in to your body you are. I am 8 weeks and every now and then I feel them flutter about and even take a tumble or two. Not everyone is "text book" so don't stress yourself with thinking you must be going crazy - because you will drive yourself and everyone around you crazy, trust me I KNOW! LOL Good luck and Congrats!

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Q: Can you feel twins kick at 8 weeks?
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Can your baby feel you in 8 weeks?


How would you know if you were pregnant with twins at eight weeks?

The only sure way of knowing you are pregnant with twins is by ultrasound. An ultrasound at 8 weeks would show if you were carrying a multiple pregnancy.

How do you feel when your 4 weeks pregnant?

Most women do not feel any symptoms of pregnancy until they are 6-8 weeks pregnant.

Could you feel your baby move at 8 weeks?

no, normally that is gas. the baby has started moving by now, and if you have an ultra sound you mak see it. you will probably feel the baby kick closer to 16-22 weeks; and possibly a litle before that or in that time period you may feel what is called quickening which is the baby moving but it feels more like fluttering. my friend described it as when you first get a goldfish and its in the bag and when you touch the bag you can feel the fish swimmming around. like butterflies someetimes. Its really neat and amazing! good luck

When will you feel your unborn child move?

You should be able to feel it between 16 and 22 weeks, even though he started moving at 7 or 8 weeks.

Is it normal to not pick up heartbeats of twins at 8 weeks pregnant?

No its not normal something wrong go see the doctor

Can you feel a heart beat at 8 weeks?

You will not be able to feel a heart beat, but a heart beat can be detected. Usually at around 5 weeks a heart beat can be heard.

Can you feel your baby move at 8 weeks?

Yes, it's definitely possible, no matter what anyone says. My midwife felt my little girl kick at 10 weeks, because she knew where to push down and what not. She's a strong little baby at 20 weeks right now but my boyfriend still hasn't felt it, but it can take a little time for a casual outsider to feel it. Don't doubt yourself, if you think it's your baby, it probably is. :)

Is it possible to feel fetal movement at 8 weeks in the third pregnancy?

I don't kow for sure but I am about twelve weeks and I can see and feel the baby move. This is my fisr pregnancy. It is all new to me!

How often should the baby kick at 31 weeks?

I am also 31 weeks. Congratulations! Our lamaze coach says that we should feel baby move at least 8 times in an hour. I don't really feel that unless I am lying down! So most of the day, when I am moving around I don't feel him much at all. Some days I feel him more than other days. I try not to panic when I don't feel him for a while. I lie down on my left side and try to relax and within a few minutes - I feel him bumping around. Good Luck!

What month does the unborn baby start kicking in your stomach?

AnswerIt's different for all women. The baby will actually begin moving between 7 & 9 weeks but you won't be able to feel them yet. There is a wide range of when moms report starting to actually feel that movement from as few as 10 weeks to as many as 25. With the first baby most moms normally recognise the feeling between 16 & 20 weeks and the overall average seeming to be between 15 and 18 weeks. Experienced moms normally feel the baby earlier then first time moms. Others (like daddy) will usually begin to be able to feel baby kick sometime in the latter part of the second trimester.

Facts about pregnant monkeys?

monkeys are pregnant for 8 months AND are pregnant for 29.3 weeks. Normally monkeys have only 1 baby and twins are rare.