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Yes, He does not need to ejaculate to pass on any sexual infections or diseases. Contact is all that is needed in most cases. There definitely is evidence that viruses and bacteria are contained in pre-ejaculatory fluid and can pass STDs.

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Q: Can you get an STD if he doesn't ejaculate?
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You had oral with your boyfriend but he doesnt have an std whats the risks?

Then there are no risks.

Can pre-ejaculate occur even when you're not aroused?

If this is happening it might mean you have an STD. I'd go get tested.

Is it OK to swallow pre-ejaculate fluid?

ummm... not really any kind of liquid transfer in any place can potently produce and std.

If you dont pee after sex does that mean you have an std?

are you for real? of course not!! (although if you never pee again after having sex once then that is a problem but it doesnt mean you have an std!)

Is it bad to drink ejaculate?

No, unless the guy has an STD or HIV but other than that it's mostly protein and some other things that are not damaging to ingest.

Can you get pregnant if you have clothes on and you lay on top of a boy and you kiss but he doesnt ejaculate?

No. With clothes as a barrier and his lack of ejaculation, you will not get pregnant.

Can females swallow sperm?

It's not dangerous unless he has a STD and it's up to each person what they want to do. There are no "should's". If you want to it is erotic to him when you swallow even to just to taste his ejaculate.

Had unprotected sex but I was on my period he didn't ejaculate now what?

You're not very fertile during you period. But isn't safe to say the possibility of getting pregnant is 0%. If he didnt ejaculate you shouldn't really worry. All you can do is wait and see. I think you should be more worried about STD. Use protection.

If one has sex and does not ejaculate then 2 days after you feel a burning sensation around the foreskin and left thigh cold on left side What is this?

Possibly an STD, this is NOT normal. I'd get checked ASAP

How can you ejaculate. Im 13 and Ive tried rubbing it hard using spit as lubricant but it just doesnt seem to come out why?

i 1st ejaculated wen i was 11 but it happens at different stages for everyone some of my friends cant still and they are 14. You probably will be able to ejaculate in the following months

How do you allow your man to worship women?

He can do that wether you like it or not yust make sure he doesnt worhip them so much that he takes an STD or two home for you.

Can a girl be pregnant if a guy pre-ejaculate in her and she's a athlete?

its a possiblilty being an athlete has nothing to do with it, unless she works herself so hard that she doesnt menstruate (common in gymnasts)