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Yes, you can go to jail or prison for committing cybercrimes!

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Q: Can you go to jail for cyber crime?
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Impact of cyber crime?

If they have been seen by the government they can go to jail for years it depends how the law will decide for them...

What are the advantages and disadvantages of crime prevention?

Cyber crime is an illegal act. There are no advantages to cyber crime. The disadvantages are numerous, but list them because we cannot contribute to the thought processes of cyber criminals, except to say that, since it is an illegal act, you can be caught and sent to jail.

Software crack cyber crime?

Yes, it is considered as cyber crime. It is violation of copyright and cyber laws.

Can you go to jail if identified in a crime but not arrested?

You cannot go to jail unless arrested.

If you throw a shoe at me can you go to jail?

no. you have to comit a critical crime to go to jail. OK?

Is the theft of a computer is considered cyber crime?

It is a property crime and can result in jail time. Cybercrime is crime using a computer, such as child porn, hacking, phishing, email scams, or fraud.

Who is the founder of Cyber Crime Cell Rajasthan?

Cyber Crime Cell Rajasthan was founded by a young entrepreneur and Cyber Crime Expert - Mukesh Choudhry .____________________________________________________

How cyber crime affects people?

Cyber crimes can affect people in different ways. They can become the victims of financial crimes and identity thefts through cyber crime. Cyber bullying is also considered a cyber crime.

What happens after arrested for a crime?

You go to jail

Do old people go to jail?

any and every person convicted of a crime can go to jail ...

Is Driving while intoxicated a crime of moral turpitude?

A crime,if you can go to jail for it,then its a crime,no matter what it is.

What happens if you do cyber terrorism?

Probably get caught and go to jail for some many years.