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Yes, certainly, though not done commonly. Indicated in special cases like if the pregnant lady suffers/ will suffer serious complications during childbirth.

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Q: Can you have a cesarean and a hysterectomy at the same time?
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What is the anesthesia code for a cesarean hysterectomy following neuraxial labor anesthesia?

01969 P1

What is a c-hysterectomy?

A hysterectomy that is done at the time of a c-section.

Is it normal to be swollen after a cesarean?

I can not answer this question. However, I had a total hysterectomy 4 weeks ago and I am seeking this same answer. I have seen this question a few times with no response. So, I guess it is common since several of us are seeking the same answers.. I am still very swollen and can not fit into alot of my clothes. Just letting you know you are not alone. :)

Can you give birth after having cesarean with your first baby?

Yes, you can have a vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC). If you have a supportive care provider your chances of having a successful VBAC are 2 in 3, the same as a first time mother's chances of having a vaginal birth. For more information about the risks of VBAC and risks of repeat cesarean check out

Does having a particle hysterectomy get rid of endomentrosis?

Hysterectomy does not guarantee a relief from symptoms or from endometriosis. Surgery is surgeon dependent. If all the endometriosis is not removed as the same time as the removal of your uterus and your ovaries, the patient may still have endometriosis after this procedure.

Viginal birth after 2 cesarean sections?

Jeopardy time! What is not likely?

Can you die of hysterectomy?

It is the same risk as other major surgery.

Anatomy and pathophysiology of cesarean section?

pathophysiology of cesarean

Can you have second menopause after a hysterectomy?

Hysterectomy is only the removal of the uterus and therfore you will not go into menopause until your ovaries start failing (average age 51.7) If you have your ovaies removed at the time of hysterectomy this is an oopherectomy and you will go into immediate menopause as you will not have ovaries to produce estrogen. Menopause is a only happens once in life although can take several years fo the ovaries to degeneate.

Can anyone get a hysterectomy?

The first and pretty much only requirement for a hysterectomy is having a uterus. Having said that most doctors will not perform a hysterectomy without a medical reason (although if you have the time and money anything is possible).

What year was cesarean birth invented?

In what year was the cesarean birth invented?

How common are Cesarean sections?

In 2003, about 27% of U.S. deliveries were cesarean