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Yes! It just takes one sperm to do the job.... As long as that one testis is healthy, then the answer is yes.

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Yes, you can still father a child.

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Yes it is possible

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yes i can happen but it is very rare

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Q: One testicle due to testicular cancer can you still have a baby?
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Can testicular cancer be transferred to a baby?

Transfered? No. If you mean will a baby get it if you get someone pregnant, then no.

Can you have a baby with one broken testicle and one fine testicle?

yes you can (I did)

Do one testicular man can have normal libido for successful married life?

Your sexual life and fertility haven't got anything to do with you having one testicle. It is all normal. During contacts sport there's nothing more major than protecting your one and only testicle. If you have suffered undescended testicle while u were a baby, research found out that there is slight risk of infertility.

Can male testicle inside of the body have a baby?


Can a male testicle if inside than have a baby?


Can a man still have a baby after having a tastical hernia?

Yes, most likely having a testicular hernia will not damage the ability of the testes to make and transport spermatazoa.

What causes a man's testicles to stay halfway in his body cavity all the time?

An undescended testicle (cryptorchidism) is a testicle that hasn't moved into its proper position in the bag of skin hanging below the penis (scrotum) before birth. Usually just one testicle is affected, but about 10 percent of the time both testicles are undescended. An undescended testicle is uncommon in general, but common among baby boys born prematurely. The vast majority of the time, the undescended testicle moves into the proper position on its own, within the first few months of life. If your son has an undescended testicle that doesn't correct itself, surgery can relocate the testicle into the scrotum. Testicles form in the abdomen during fetal development. During the last couple of months of normal fetal development, the testicles gradually descend from the abdomen through a tube-like passageway in the groin (inguinal canal) into the scrotum. With an undescended testicle, that process stops or is delayed. If the testicle hasn't moved into the scrotum by the time your son is 4 months old, the problem probably won't correct itself. Treating an undescended testicle when your son is still a baby might lower the risk of complications later in life, such as infertility and testicular cancer. Older boys - from infants to pre-adolescent boys - who have normally descended testicles at birth might appear to be "missing" a testicle later. This condition might indicate: A retractile testicle, which moves back and forth between the scrotum and the groin and might be easily guided by hand into the scrotum during a physical exam. This is not abnormal and is due to a muscle reflex in the scrotum. An ascending testicle, or acquired undescended testicle, that has "returned" to the groin and can't be easily guided by hand into the scrotum. If you notice any changes in your genitals or are concerned, talk to your doctor. ~Mayo Clinic

Why a baby born with one testicle?

Birth defect? Genetic mutation?

What was performed to a baby if the testicle had not yet descended by the time he was 9 months old?


Can a male without testicle have a baby?

nope don't think so, where would the sperms be produced.

Your baby is 4 and his testicles have not dropped what is wrong with him?

The cause of undescended testicle is unknown. Having a male relative (father/brother) who had the condition increases the risk, as well as premature birth, multiple births (twins, triplets, etc.), and low birth weight. A baby's testicles should descend in the first few months of life. If it doesn't occur after about 3 or 4 months, a doctor should be contacted. Your son should be taken to a doctor immediately. There are two reasons for that: 1) undescended testicles may not produce sperm. The reason testicles are outside of the body is because the temperature is cooler there than inside the body. This cooler temperature is crucial to the production of viable sperm. Getting the testicle to descend into the scrotum early enough in life is critical to ensuring that he has a chance of having children when he becomes an adult. 2) an undescended testicle is more likely to develop testicular cancer. An undescended testicle is a symptom of a condition known as cryptorchidism. There are usually no other symptoms except that the testicles aren't found in the scrotum. A surgery known as an orchiopexy is the main treatment.

Can i have baby i have undescended testicle or no tedticles found from birth?

The sperm is prduced in the testicles, soif you have no testicles , you can not have babies.