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It all depends on how much other fish you have in the tank. Oscars need a lot of room so if there's tons of other fish in there it could cause problems. But if you have a couple it would be fine. If its a male Oscar its probably best you don't have them in a tank with any other Oscars. I volunteer at a pet store where they sell the fish so that's how I know this..

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Q: Can you keep 2 Oscar in a 135 gallon tank with some different fish in the tank ant the weaker one be OK?
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How big should a Oscar fish tank be?

It depends on what size you have. You can have upto 1inch of fish for each U.S. gallon.

What semi-aggressive fish would be good for a tall 40 gallon tank?

Jack Dempsey or Tiger Oscar

What type of fish is Oscar from shark tales?

Oscar is a type of fish so he is a Oscar fish

Shall you keep all Oscar fish in one tank?

If the tank is large enough. For rearing young Oscars a 50 gallon tank is about right for 5 fish.

Can an Oscar fish live in a ten gallon tank?

A small oscar can live in a 10 gallon for a short period of time. However, oscars are fast growers and can reach lengths larger than a foot so a larger tank would be required soon.

How much does an Oscar fish usually cost?

Usually the larger the fish the more money it costs. Different pet shops have different mark ups as do different wholesalers and breeders. An Oscar can cost anywhere from a dollar to a hundred dollars or more.

Will two redtail Oscars fish get alone in the same tank?

A Redtail and an Oscar are two different types of fish

What breed is an Oscar fish?

Oscar fishes breed is Oscar

Will adult red belly pacu fight adult Oscars?

Actually the Oscar won't fight. I had a red-belled pacu in a tank with an Oscar and I came home one day and the pacu had eaten the Oscar and a kissing fish and a parrot fish. They aren't suppose to eat fish their size but I think mine taps more into the nature of his piranha cousins than most. If you get both just be careful and make sure the Oscar is bigger and dominant. On the contrary every Oscar and every pacu has different personalities. Some will fight some will not. I have an Oscar in a 1500 gallon tank that hates pacu. And I've got a pacu that hates Oscars... So you never know...

Where can you catch Oscar fish?

Oscar fish can be caught in the canals of Southern Florida.

How do you know if your Oscar fish is dying?

If you do the right thing by your fish it should not be dying. The basic rules for keeping fish are :- 1 inch of fish needs a minimum of 1 gallon of water (Oscars need much more). :- every tank needs a permanently running cycled filter. :- every tank needs to have at least 50% of its water changed every week.. Oscars need a temperature of above 75F and below 85F. One Oscar needs a properly set up 20 gallon tank. 2 Oscars can get by in a 30 gallon tank.

Can you keep an Oscar with a black ghost knife and a pleco in a 30 gallon?

Very short term as all the above fish can grow in excess of a foot in length.