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no it is not safe because aluminum is an insulator which means that when u take it out the heat will melt it and cause a serious injury if touched.

it is also not safe because any metal heated in a microwave can cause a fire

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12y ago

I think you would be safest pouring the food into a bowl and then microwaving it - you were probably going to do this eventually anyways.

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No, never put metal in a microwave oven!!

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Q: Is it safe to cook canned food in the microwave?
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Are microwave ovens safe to use?

They are safe to cook food in (as long as you follow to cooking instructions correctly).

Is it dangerous to cook mars mud?

No. It is safe to cook. Just remember to cook it in a microwave safe bowl if your gonna use the microwave.

What kind of cookware should you use to cook chicken in a microwave oven?

You can use glassware or any microwave-safe dish to cook chicken in the microwave. Check the bottom of any plastic dishes to see if they are microwave-safe.

Is sterilite microwave safe?

All of Sterlite food storage items are microwave safe. They are designed to reheat food in the microwave. Use caution when reheating food high in sugar or fat as they can cause damage to microwave safe containers. See microwave manufacturer's instructions for information regarding the use of microwave safe containers in your microwave."

How do you cook vegetables from a can?

Read the instructions on the can! More Information: Vegetables from a can should be removed from the can to a pan or microwave-safe dish, then heated on the stove or in the microwave until hot. Because canned foods have been cooked in the process of canning, it is not necessary to cook them further, but only to warm them to serving temperature. If the vegetable is to be served cold - in a salad, for instance - the food may be drained and used without any heating.

Is it safe to cook on a sheet of fiberglass in a microwave oven?

As long as it stays where it's supposed to be, no. If pieces of it are falling off into your food, then that's a different matter.

Is microwave food safe?

yes there gay so when they go in they turn strait If it's the frozen chicken like Tyson, then long as you cook it for the appropriate time. Heating up already cooked chicken should be safe as long as you know how long to do it for and not to do it for too long. To cook raw chicken in a microwave however, is unsafe. I would not advise it.

Can you cook cauliflower in the microwave?

YOu could but its best to cook it on the stove just to be safe because in the microwave it could turn out pretty bad.

Are food heated in microwave oven safe?

Yes, food from a microwave is just hot, it isn't changed in any real way.

Is it safe to put food in cabinets above microwave?


Is it safe to use a microwave?

It would not be safe to cook meat loaf in the microwave because it would not cook evenly and you could end up with food poisoning if you do. :)

How is microwave made?

I've found the best way to make bacon in the microwave is to cook it on high for about 2 minutes on a microwave-safe plate. Put a paper towel over it to eliminate the splattering of grease.