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Yes you can. In the event you are a father who has been ordered to pay child support; and the mother moves leaving no forwarding address and the AG does not take this into consideration. You can and should sue. Many fathers are now banding together to submit a class action suit. reach out to for further information.

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Q: Can you sue the Texas state attorney generals office for negligence in a child support case?
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How long is the attorney generals term of office in Texas?

4 years

Is there a 1-800 phone number to call that will tell you how much you owe on back child support?

Your local attorney generals office should be able to tell you. Specifically to which state you owe the child support to.

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contact your State Attorney Generals office

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Depends on the laws in your state. Contact your state Attorney Generals office.

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contact the attorney generals office in your state they will either tell you or direct you to the site on the web that will give you all the info

Is there help with attorney fees for a single mother trying to get child support from father?

Just go to the Child Support Enforcement Office and request it.

You have met your obligation of child support in Texas how do you get them to stop taking your wages?

Contact the Attorney General Office

Can and adult child get child support from the father who never paid child support?

Absolutely. Check with a family lawt attorney or your local child support office for more information.

Can you sue for back child support?

It depends on the laws in your state, check with the attorney general's office for your specific rights.

Can you unwind a used auto contract if the interest rate stated on the contract cannot be honored?

If you are in the USA I advise you visit your Attorney Generals Office. Each state has different laws.

How do you get a pardon from a governor about firearms?

In most states it takes an appeal to the state attorney generals office. If the case is deemed to have merit, it will be presented to the governor for consideration. A lawyer is not required, but is usually used.

In Virginia if you signed a 3 year contract with Direct Buy and within 3 days changed your mind can you cancel the contract and get your money back?

No according to attorney generals office, but you can file a complaint if you feel they used deceptive and misleading sales practices. With us they promised savings of 30-45%, said we were never allowed to join in our lifetime if we turned down the offer, didn't tell us about no refund policy, or that the contract says they can say whatever they want to get people to join. Then you get home and find out all the things they didn't tell you and how everything costs more. Everyone who was ever tricked into signing up should file a complaint with the attorney generals office. This is the only way to possibly get our money back a lawsuit by attorney generals office. Most people are ashamed dthey got scammed and don't do anything. Even the attorney generals office told us there was nothing we could do that the contract was binding and the 3 day right of recession doesn't apply. It wasn't until I told the office the were diseptive and misleading that they said we could file a complaint.