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yes it is basically the same drug but hydrocodone is a cough supressant version of the drug

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Q: Codiene equivalent of hydrocodone 7.5
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Is hydrocodone conciderd a narcotics?

yes it has codiene in it

What is the equivalent dose of Norco 10325 to Tylenol 3?

These are two completely different drugs, Norco's chemical name is hydrocodone Tylenol 3 is Codiene

Are Vicodin and codeine from the same family?

Vicodin contains hydrocodone and acetaminophen. Hydrocodone is related to codiene, yes, but it is somewhat stronger.

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How can you turn hydrocodone into hydromorphone?

Yes, some hydrocodone is turned into a small amount of hydromorphone by the liver. Just like codiene is turned into morphine by the liver enzymes.

Does codiene show up on drug tests?

Oxycodone is an "opioide" and will show up on drug screenings. See:

Which is best for chronic cough codiene or hydrocodone?

I tried hycodine and I'm not sure of the spelling but it was def stronger than codeine. G'day

Does codiene show up as opiates on drug tests?

If your asking aboute Hydrocodone. The answer is no. It will show up as an narcotic though. Hydrocodone and codiene are different drugs, as a matter of fact Hydrocodone is usually perscribed to persons with proven allergies to codiene. However they are both narcotic analgesics and will both show up on a drug screen. So if you don't have a prescription and you are subject to drug screening it probably wouldn't be a good idea to take either.

Does hydrocodan contain codiene?

No, Hydrocodone 5mg Acetamin (325gm) contains hydrocodone and acetaminophen (paracetamol). Hydrocodone is a semi-synthetic opioid, originally synthesized from codeine (now sometimes synthesized from thebaine).

Does Hydrocodone and some show the same in drug test?

I'm not too sure I understand your question but I'll try to answer it to the best of my ability. if you take Hydrocodone or vicodin whatever on your drug test it will show Hydrocodone and a number say 100 and positive also for Hydromorphone but it will be a much smaller number say 10 same with Oxycodone and Oxymorphone and Codiene and Morphine This is because the liver enzimes convert some but not all Hydrocodone to Hydromorphone which is a much stronger chemical Oxycodone is converted to Oxymorphone and Codiene is converted to Morphine. Hope this helps somewhat.

What is the highest milligram of Dilaudid?

There is no codiene in Lorcet, the ingredient is hydrocodone with tylenol. The milligram dosage of the hydrocodone is on the bottle.....such as Lorce t 10/650. The "10" being the hydrocodone and the "650" being the the tylenol. Annabelle50

Can you take hydrocodone if you are allergic to codeine?

Yes. Hydrocodone is a synthetic derivative of codeine. It does not contain the actual substance. I would also add that in my experience, the nausea seen with use of codeine is rarely seen with hydrocodone.