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Karl Benz invented the worlds first automobile, but Henry Ford improved it. So Karl Benz is the inventor.

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Q: Did Henry ford or Karl Benz invent the automobile?
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Did Henry Ford invent the first automobile?

no it was Karl Benz

Where did Karl Benz invent the automobile?

Karl Benz invented the automobile in Germany.

Did Karl Benz invent the first automobile?


Did Karl Benz try to invent the car?

Karl Benz is generally regarded as the inventor of the gasoline-powered automobile

What do Karl Benz invent?

The automobileAnswer:Karl Benz is generally regarded as the inventor of the gasoline-powered automobile

What inspired Karl Benz to invent the automobile?

I say it was other steam cars

Did Karl Benz invent the automobile?

Others had been credited first with motorizing bicycles and different types of vehicles, but yes the automobile as we see it today was invented by Karl Benz.

Who sold the first car Karl Benz or Henry ford?

Karl Benz was the first one to invent cars

When did Henry Ford invent the First Car?

He built his first car the Quadricycle in 1896. He did not invent the first practical automobile. The first practical auto was built by Karl Benz in 1885.

What industry are Henry Ford and Karl Benz associated for?

they were automobile manufacturers.

What if henery ford never invented the automobile?

Henry Ford never did invent the automobile. He invented the assembly line which made the automobile more affordable but he did not invent the auto. The first true gasoline powered internal combustion engine automobile was invented by Karl Benz in 1885.

What steps did karl benz take to invent the automobile?

he probably was tinkering around and needed money when he stumbled apon the automobile