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Q: Did governor phips let his wife be hung in the Salem witch trials?
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Who was the governor of the Massachusetts Bay during the Salem witch trials?

A man by the name of William Phips was royal governor in 1692.

Name of the last person accused in Salem witch trials?

Mary Phips, the wife of the governor.

William phips in Salem witch trial?

Phips was the governor of the Massachusetts colony where the trials took place. He ended them when his wife was accused.

What ended the Salem witch trails?

Governor Phips ended the trials after several prominent members of society were accused.

Who ended the witch trials?

Governor William Phips

Who was the Govenor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony during the Salem Witch Trials?

William Phips.

Who ended yhe witch trails?

Governor Phipps ended the Salem witch trials.

What American town is famous for witch trials?

The American town famous for the Witch Trials (called the Salem Witch Trials) is Salem, Massachusetts.

When did the Salem witch hunt end and why?

They began when girls began having epilepsy-like fits, which were diagnosed as bewitchment. The trials ended when the governor outlawed spectral evidence, the insubstanial main evidence used in the trials, after his wife was accused.

Who convinced people to stop witch trials?

The people weren't convinced by anyone. The trials in Salem stopped when the Governor ordered them to stop and pardoned all the remaining accused. Witch hunts in general were stopped when more people were convinced by science that witches weren't real.

Salem witch trials 1603 - 1606?

There were no witch trials in Salem in those years. The trials happened in 1692 and 1693.

How did the Salem witch trails end?

it ended because the accusers accused the governors wife, which made the governor ban witch trials.