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Two Party System? Not for our Founders.The founding fathers wanted to create a government like they saw the Native Americans using as far as personal freedoms. This is seen in the Albany Plan of Union, written by Bejamin Franklin. They had other sources, and were also used to the Britsh Government, a Parlimentary constituional monarchy. In additions, they had some fears and problems of their own-- like slavery, and a fear of too much power in the hands of the government. One of their great fears was party politics. They repeatedly warned against political parties, as you can see in the Federalist Papers, and some of Washington's speaches.Obviously, if they opposed a two-party system, they would not have favored one. They did form parties, the Federalist, the Democratic-Republican, the Whig and various others. The Democrats didn't even form until Andrew Jackson ran for office. The Republicans waited until the 1840s. They later took care to create ballot access laws to keep Independent and third party candidates from competing.
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Q: Did the Founding Fathers want a two party system of government?
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It does not. A two Party system is no where to be found in the Constitution. The two party system was created by the Founding Fathers as a way of organizing people with like minded ideals, and as a way to get political power. The first two parties being the Federalists and the Democrat-Republicans

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Alexander Hamilton was a prominent member of the Federalist political party. He was one of the key founding fathers of the United States and a supporter of a strong federal government. Hamilton played a crucial role in shaping the country's financial system as the first Secretary of the Treasury.

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The duration of The Founding of a Party is 1.97 hours.

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