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Yes, Scandinavia was very hilly and as the population grew they needed more land for farming, which wasn't available.

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Q: Did the geography of Scandinavia cause the raids of vikings?
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Where was the vikings raids taking place?

Well I'm not sure but I heard that they were from Scandinavia.

From AD 800-1000 what group terrorized much of Europe with raids?

The Vikings from Scandinavia.

Did the climate of Scandinavia encourage viking raids?


What is northmen?

"Northmen" is another term for the Vikings, who were seafaring warriors from Scandinavia that originated in present-day Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. The Vikings were known for their raids, trade, and exploration throughout Europe during the late eighth to early eleventh centuries.

Where were vikings originally from and where did they eventually settle?

The Vikings were originally from Scandinavia. There was no need to settle as they lived in the Scandinavian countries and would only travel for trade or raids. However, what we now call Greenland, Iceland, as well as parts of Canada and the U.S. were eventually settled by Viking explorers.

Where in Britain did the vikings attack?

Viking raids

How did the european's respond to the viking's raids?

Initially, European settlements and towns often succumbed to surprise attacks by invading Norsemen as they were not allowed time to prepare a proper military response to the raids. As Christianity took root in Scandinavia and foreign settlers began to have influence over the region, the cultural, material and political aspirations of the Vikings evolved and the violent raids would eventually become a thing of the past.

What happened in 793 to the Vikings?

They began their raids in England.

What is point of view on the vikings?

The Vikings were skilled seafarers and warriors from Scandinavia who raided and traded across Europe during the Middle Ages. They had a complex society with a rich mythology and cultural heritage, known for their shipbuilding, trade networks, and exploration. However, their raids and invasions also brought about destruction and fear in the regions they targeted.

Did the Vikings have sixteen year olds fighting in there raids?


What do you think viking means?

The term "Viking" refers to a Norse seafarer or warrior who lived during the Viking Age (8th-11th centuries) in Scandinavia. Vikings were known for their seafaring skills, raids, and exploration of new territories.

What do vikings do with their money they get after raids?

Invest them towards improving weapons and raiding efficiency.