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No, the meteorite that caused the Barringer Crater in Arizona landed about 50,000 years ago had nothing to do with the ice age. The present ice age started about 2.6 million years ago and the crater was formed mid-way during the last glaciation.

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Q: Did the meteor that landed in the Arizona desert cause the ice age?
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What state did a giant meteor land?

Giant meteors have hit the Earth many times. Probably the most destructive - so far - was Chicxulub which "may" have been the cause of the dinosaurs extinction.The most notable crater in the US is - not surprisingly - called meteor crater. Located in the Arizona desert, near Winslow.

Can you mention any big pit caused by a meteor?

There is the famous crater in Arizona, known as Meteor Crater or Barringer Crater. It is not actually meteors that cause craters. Meteors are destroyed in the Earth's atmosphere. If they survive the Earth's atmosphere and then land on Earth, they are known as meteorites. So it is meteorites that actually cause craters.

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Is called The Southwest because their located in the southwest. By.Jayla Thomas

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A large meteor strike on the earth might cause a crateron the surface. If it struck the water, it may leave a bit of a crater in the sea floor, depending on the size and velocity and composition of the meteor and the depth of the sea where it impacted. If it hit land, there'd be a big "dent" in the ground where the missle and the blast of impact gouged it out.

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if it gets hit yes(stuff blastes out)

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