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Yes. Aloe Vera contains minerals and Vitamins such as Vitamin A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C and E and also contains a kind of enzyme that helps in hair growth. Aloe Vera can also prevent hair loss, conditioner, moisturizer and prevent dryness that cause dandruff.

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Q: Do Aloe Vera makes hair grow faster?
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How do aloe vera grow your hair?

The aloe Vera works hard at the root of your hair. It immediately moisturizes, cleans, hydrates, and makes your hair healthy. That is exactly what you need to grow your hair faster. I recommend this method. I tried it . My hair looked absolutely gorgeous.

How do aloe vera grow?

Aloe vera is very easy to grow as a houseplant. Just plant it in soil and make sure you don't overwater it.

What does aloe vera need to grow?


Sampaguita and aloe vera extract as hair grower?

the combined aloe vera and sampaguita helps hair to grow! :)

Is aloe vera a tropical plant?

Yes in a way. Do you mean you want to grow it in a tropical climate? You can but we grow a few aloe vera plants and we live in cold rainy England. (:

When do aloe vera grow flowers?

I think it's after they are ready to reproduce

All about aloe vera?

Aloe Vera is a cultivated succulent plant. The close related species are in northern Africa. The Aloe Vera plant can grow to b about 24-39 inches tall. The plant is often used to treat burns in alternative medicine. The Aloe Vera is also used in cosmetics. The most common form of Aloe vers sold to consumers is in the form of gel.

What makes your hair grow longer?

Hair can grow longer by massaging coconut oil, aloe vera and almond oil into the scalp. Let it stand for a few minutes before washing with shampoo. Eat fruits and vegetables rich in Vitamin A, B, C, E to let the hair grow faster.

Does alo vera help plants grow?

yes because of the water in the aloe it can help plants grow

In what conditions does aloe vera grow better?

lots OS sunshine and moderate wattering

How can you fix burnt hair?

you must be patient, it will grow out, in the mean time use a good conditioner.Every time I showered when I had burnt hair, I used hair repair shampoo with aloe vera (or you can use aloe vera gel or anything with more than 50% aloe vera) and rinsed with ice cold water.

What are the things that can be made in the sand?

Usually cactus grow fairly well, so to aloe-vera plants.