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Q: Do Rap singers contribute to racist acts through their song lyrics?
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What are some Black Metal bands that don't have racist lyrics or attitudes?

As of 2013, there are not any black metal bands that don't include racist lyrics or attitudes. Members of black metal bands are known for being Nazis and often reference satanic lyrics.

Is Nicki Minaj racist?

Yes, Nicki Minaj is a racist. The following lyrics are in her song, "Cuchi Shop": "What you need, thick thighs and some chinky eyes." The word "chink" is a racist term toward Asians.

Was Che Guevara racist?

No he was not. He believed any man could contribute equally to society.

Where is tatars?

Why? Are you racist against Tatars and are going to go to Russia and go through ethnic cleansing? You racist jerk!

What kind of people become racist?

People who had a bad experience with a race, or through stupid generalizing.

Is it racist to read Mein Kampf?

No, it is not inherently racist to read Mein Kampf. However, it is important to critically analyze the content and historical context of the book, which promotes racist and hateful ideologies. Reading it for educational purposes or historical research may be necessary in some contexts, but it should be approached with caution and mindfulness of its content.

What is a white racist?

It depends on how one uses the term "white racist". To some, white racist is someone who is white and they are also racist. To others, however, a white racist is someone who is racist exclusively towards white people.

Is Gandhi racist?

No, Gandhi was not racist.

Was huey long a racist?

No he was not a racist.

Is it racist to dislike a racist?

No. It would only be racist if you were to hate the racists' race in return.

How do racist people feel after being racist?

they feel great after a good racist comment!

Why is chicken and waffles racist?

Your racist for asking.