

Do adults get autism

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11y ago

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Your usually born with it and grow up to still have it. Basically it runs with you your whole life.

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Q: Do adults get autism
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Is autism only found in children?

No - autism is a neurological condition, autistic children grow-up into autistic adults.

Why can't adults with autism sort situations out?

We can.

Why do adults with autism hide or look tranced?

We don't.

Can adults develop autism?

Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder that is typically diagnosed in childhood. However, it is possible for some adults to receive a diagnosis of autism later in life if their symptoms were not recognized earlier. This could be due to a variety of factors, including masking or coping strategies that may have hidden their symptoms.

Does autism and cerebral palsy leave you in a coma?

I don't know about that. But there are some children + adults with cerebral Palsy that are diagnosed with autism.

Do children who are diagnosed with autism grow up to be adults with autism or is it then called or considered something else?

Autism is still called autism once a child reaches adulthood. Mild cases may be named something else, although closely related to autism, such as Aspergers. Some autistic patients are not diagnosed until they reach adulthood.

Will you have autism all your life?

Yes, it is a developmental disability which cannot be cured. However, it can be treated with great success and many people with autism lead normal lives as adults.

Can autism adults get married?

Yes, of course autistic adults can get married. There are no restrictions on autistic people getting married, as long as they can consent to being married there's no reason for them not to.

Can a person be in their forties and have autism and not know it?

Yes, it is very common for Autistic adults to have gone throughout their lives without knowing that they were Autistic. It was believed that Autism only occurred in boys, that a person was only Autistic if they behaved in a way common in those more severely impacted by Autism, and Autism was not widely known about a few decades ago...thus often people don't realize they're Autistic. Many adults do not realize that they're Autistic until their children are diagnosed and they start to learn more about Autism, thus recognize characteristics in themselves.

Why is a child diagnosed with autism every 20 minutes?

For the same reason so many adults have autism, also for the same reason so many children and adults are neurotypical - it's just how we're born. This question is like asking 'why are so many children black?'.

Is autism only in children?

No, Autism is not only in children.Autism is a neurological difference, a person is born Autistic just like a person is born neurotypical. An Autistic person will always be Autistic and thus become an Autistic adult. Autistic people often improve over time, learning social and communication skills as well as learning to cope with or mask autism characteristics in order to fit in to neurotypical society. Autistic adults often fit in better than children.

What is the effect of autism to the child's social behavior?

Because the condition causes problems with general information and stimulus processing and integration, autism is typically extremely disorganizing to social behavior. Children and adults with autism have impairments in perceiving interactions accurately and in displaying typical social behavior. Autistic children often need substantial support and training to function socially in any meaningful manner.