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People need to wear seat belts in the back because they could be thrown out the window if in a car accident

Added: In most US states there is no statutory requirement that adult back seat passengers be belted. To be certain of the law in your state contact your local law enforcement agency or office of the DMV.

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Q: Do back seat passengers need to wear a seat belt?
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Will an airbag go off with out a seat belt on?

Yes it will! There is a sensor under the seat (passenger side) that senses the weight of a person in the seat. The Air-bag systems also have a sensor in them that detects sudden impact in specific directions. However - air-bags are designed to be used in conjunction WITH a seat-belt. The idea is - under rapid deceleration, the seat belt locks and the air-bag simultaneously deploys.

Why is a backward facing car seat safer for an infant than a seat that faces forward during a collision or abrupt stop?

Its safer for the seat to be facing backwards, because during a collision or an abrupt stop the infant would not be able to slip out of the car seat, and also so the infant will not choke on the car seat's seat belt. It is also safer to have an infant/child to be sitting in the back seat and not in the front passenger seat until the recommended age.

Why do people not wearing seatbelts get hurt in collisions?

TRUTHFULLY it sometimes depends on the car accident he or she is in minor car accidents can be resisted with wearing a seat belt major collisions can cause a person to get hurt because of the seat belt resits

Why do you need to wear a seat belt?

The cabin of your car or truck is designed to absorb impact and keep the occupant area fairly stable. By wearing a seat belt you will be held in place in the cabin and greatly improve your chance of survival. If you are in an accident not wearing a seat belt you will be thrown around inside the car sustaining many more serious "crashes" inside the vehicle or, you could be thrown out of the vehicle into oncoming traffic or even be squashed by your own car. You might ask yourself this question. Would you ever go flying in a high powered military jet and not buckle up? Of course not. And yet, there is nothing going on inside that jet that is any more violent than a car crash.

How fast can you drive on an interstate highway in dense fog?

What percentage of time is require to wear seat belt while driving

Related questions

What does a seat belt do in a car?

A seat belt protects the passengers when you have a car accident.

Do you have to wear a seat belt in the back seat in Michigan?

I think it goes by age. If your 16 and older you don't have to, but all younger have to. Front seat driver and passengers all have to wear a seat belt

Does Hawaiian Airlines Have extenders seat belt for large passengers?

Yes, Hawaiian Airlines has seat belt extenders for large passengers.

What is Missouri's seat belt law?

As of May 2014, Missouri's seat belt law states that seat belts must be worn by all passengers in the front seat. In the back seat, those younger than 16 years old must wear seat belts.

What the age limit to not wearing a seat belt in the back seat of a car?

In states with seatbelt laws, there is no age at which you can ride in the vehicle without wearing a seatbelt, front or back. All passengers are required to be buckled up. But in some states ,like Michigan, the age to not wear a seat belt is 16 and only in the back seat

What do the passengers usually do first of all?

Fasten seat belt.

Who get tiketed for passengers not wearing a seat belt in Washington state?

both of you.

Why was the back seat invented?

To carry passengers.

Why is the shoulder strap of a seat belt important?

It keeps the driver/passengers back in their seats, to prevent their heads from hitting the windshield, dash, or steering wheel.

How many passengers is it legal to carry in the back of a car with only 2 seat belts?

only 2 because everyone must have a seat belt on. it is illegal to not wear a seatbelt even if your in the backseat.

Do most people ride in back seat with no seat belt?

yes theiris no reason to wear a seat belt if your i n the back

Can passengers in a car share a seat belt in Florida?

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