

Do daughter cells have DNA

Updated: 10/24/2023
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7y ago

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Yes, they do.

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6mo ago

Yes, daughter cells have DNA. During cell division, the DNA in the parent cell is replicated and then evenly distributed between the two daughter cells. This allows each daughter cell to have a complete set of DNA for normal cellular functions and genetic information.

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Q: Do daughter cells have DNA
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No, DNA is found in daughter cells, not the other way around.

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What is the difference in DNA between parent cells and daughter cells in meiosis?

Parent cells are diploids, and daughter cells are haploids. Therefore, the daughter cells have half of the the number of chromosomes as the parent cells. (chromosomes are DNA)

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the daughter cells have similar DNA

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The DNA replcates it to give evenly to each daughter cell

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Both the starting cells (parent cells) and daughter cells have an identical copy of DNA in their nucleus

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daughter cells are similar to parents because they share the same dna

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The relative amounts of DNA in mother and daughter cells in mitosis are identical, as long as no chromosomal mutations occurred.

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Then it would not have enough copies of chromosomes to give the right amount to the daughter cells. This may result in half the daughter cells receiving the DNA and half receiving no DNA - or else...

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Homologous chromosomes assort independently, so each gamete has a unique combination of alleles

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the two new cells are called daughter cells.