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there are about 13 people in the world who like Orange Juice because it is rich in pulp

Actually the number cant be counted accuratly so alot of people don't like OJ because it has pulp but that could be avoided if u buy pulp free OJ.

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Well, if you don't, you aren't my friend!

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10y ago

Apple juice!

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Q: Do more people like orange juice or apple juice?
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Otto the Orange drinks apple juice for breakfast because if he drank orange juice it would be like cannibalism. Right?

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How many people like juice?

Well, I guess lots of people, cos there's lots of juice's. Like apple and orange and pineapple and mango and tropical and banana and tomato and grape...the list is endless. So, lots of people

Do most people prefer to drink orange juice or apple juice?

Orange juice is because Lemon juice is sour and really sugary If you are trying to prevent scurvy then lemon is superior to oranges in keeping you healthy. In one very long sea voyage of 2000 sailors I think 1600 died of scurvy - or something like that.

How much apple juice can you get from 1 apple?

the average person drinks orange juice like a little pig. u can get 100% of orange juice from a lemon. IM AWESOME LIKE PETER PARKER AND KADIR NOUR!! I LIVE IN NEW YORK. and kadir is nooot awesome just saying....

Why does apple juice taste like pee?

It's really apple juice. Unless it tastes of something other than apple deliciousness. Then be worried.

What do Florida people like drink?

Orange juice is the official state beverage of Florida.

Why people drink orange juice after blood donation?

There is no medical reason for orange juice. Important is only volume of any juice you like.

What kind of energy drink do you like?

My favorite energy drinks are orange juice, apple juice, cranberry pomegranate juice, pineapple juice, and even prune juice; or any of these mixed together.

What is it good for if you drink it?

I'm pretty sure orange juice, apple juice, and like fruit juices are good for you and milk but not energy drinks or soda