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I was discarded with once he found out he had no use for me anymore. But this was over chat online. He was a monster, real cold and cruel during this phase. He didnt yell or scream, but I could hear his contempt while being heartless. It was horrible and far from pleasant.

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Q: Do narcissists rage at you during the discard phase?
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Because they feel like they own you. You are in their eyes an extension of themselves and will want to project all of the anger and rage they have inside, unto you.

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A narcissist can direct their rage towards multiple people, not just one. They may exhibit a pattern of blaming and attacking those they perceive to threaten their ego or sense of superiority. This behavior is often rooted in their need for admiration and control over others.

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The answer is: Rage; Unadulterated.... Uncontrolled... Unmitigated... and Absolute Rage. Rage can also be accompanied by plans of sabotage to that person's career or personal life in order to 'even the score'. Narcissists are 'scorekeepers'. If you're doing 'this', they're sure to go out of their way to inform you that "they're just going to do 'that'".

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I don't think that narcissism is by any means a quality - that is for sure! People that are true narcissists do show some good and nice things in the beginning of a relationship and then show all their bad traits when they devalue and discard you. They giveth and they taketh away!

Is rage an adjective or verb?

Neither. Rage is a noun. ...and a verb. He flew into a rage. Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

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Benito Mussolini was one of the leaders during Adolf Hitler's "jewish rage."

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Emotonal immaturity is one of the hallmarks of narcissism, so one should expect infantile behaviour including extreme selfishness and spectacular tantrums. The narcissist refuses to grow up emotionally. They seem to get a kick out their immaturity. Yes! Besides "selfish" another term that sends them into a rage is "self-centered."

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Panthers rage because they have only a sense of rage

Is the word rage an adjective?

No, rage is a noun. Rage can be used as a verb, for example.. To rage against the dying of the light.

Can a Narcissist's coldness and distant behavior be a mask for his rage?

That's a topic for the narcissist to discuss with his/her therapist. It's not easy to generalize about that kind of topic. Many tend to categorize narcissists as having all of the worst traits of humanity, but in reality, they're just the ultimate selfish jerks who worry about themselves first and don't really think much about anyone else. That said, narcissists also have a broad range of their own issues to deal with, just like the rest of us.