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No. Platypuses are completely carnivorous, feeding on tiny water-dwelling crustaceans.

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Q: Do platypuses feed on aquatic plants?
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What plants do platypuses eat?

Platypuses do not eat plants. Platypuses are carnivores. They are predators, and feed on small water animals such as aquatic insect larvae, fresh water shrimp, annelid worms, yabbies and crayfish. The only times they eat plants are if they accidentally swallow them while ingesting invertebrates.

What do a snail feed on?

snails eat algae and aquatic plants

Is a platypus semi-aquatic?

Platypuses are indeed semi-aquatic. Platypuses live and shelter in burrows dug into dry land, but they need to hunt for their food in freshwater creeks and rivers. Platypuses cannot breathe underwater.

What is the natural feed of fish?

It depends on the fish, generally they eat insects or aquatic plants.

What do mother platypuses feed their young?

Platypuses are mammals: therefore, mother platypuses, like all mammals, feed their young on mothers' milk.

Do Platypuses drink?

Yes. Platypuses do drink water. They are semi-aquatic and reliant upon water for their survival.

Who attacks a platypus?

other platypuses and other aquatic mammals

Do platypuses eat worms?

Platypuses do not eat earthworms or other terrestrial worms. They eat aquatic annelid worms.

What do a platypus and a seal have in common?

Platypuses and seals are both semi-aquatic mammals that find their food in water, but this is about where the similarities end. Platypuses lay eggs and seals give live birth; platypuses require fresh water and seals are marine mammals; platypuses use electroreceptors in their bills to find invertebrates on which they feed, while seals primarily eat fish.

What does a platypus normally do?

Platypuses normally spend time in the water. They may make hundreds of dives daily in their search for aquatic invertebrates such as insects, annelid worms and crustaceans, on which they feed.

When do platypuses feed?

Platypuses are nocturnal, feeding at night. They are also crepuscular, meaning they feed in the early morning and the early evening.

Do platypuses eat slugs and oxalis?

No. Platypuses feed on small water animals such as aquatic insect larvae of caddisflies, mayflies and two-winged flies, fresh water shrimp, annelid worms, yabbies and crayfish. They do not eat plants at all, let alone something like oxalis, and they do not eat 'slugs'.