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The Salvation Army does not practice any form of baptismal rites.

Neither adults nor infants are baptized in the Salvation Army. The teaching of the Salvation Army is that wearing the uniform is equal to baptism.

Link to informative article on infant baptism in the Christian Church:

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Q: Do salvation army baptise babies
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What projects have the Salvation Army worked on?

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Why various religions initiate babies?

In Christianity, baptism is a ritual that helps insure salvation. Some believe that it is better to baptise babies so that if they die they have a chance to go to heaven. Baptism also includes vows from the parents to raise the child in the faith.

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The Salvation Army's website refers to itself as "The Salvation Army" or the full name is "National Salvation Army."

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At. Salvation army

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Yes. The CEO is General Brian Peddle and he is part of The Salvation Army.

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There is no restriction on joining the Salvation Army.

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The Salvation Army get this finance from people who donate money to them

Does catholic church receive monies from salvation army?

No, the salvation army does not donate to it.

What is The Salvation Army's legal name to put in a will?

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