

Do teen marriages last

Updated: 11/7/2022
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Lvl 1
12y ago

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Not normally because the guy will usually end up goin off and findin another girl he likes after a year or so, sometimes even a month after they get married but sometimes they do ohh yea also sometimes they dont because the girl could go out and find someone else. Not many of them, especially if they've been rushed into or are due to the girl becoming pregnant. It's easy to idealize things when you're younger and have never been solely responsible for your wellbeing (housing, income, etc.) Sometimes there's a huge difference in the idea two people had about marriage and the reality of being married, living with that person, having problems with finances or finding employment when you're that young and don't have a good educational or job background. It may seem like true love with someone after only a month or two, when in reality you really haven't known the person long enough to know how they deal with anger, stress or illness. Even adults make the mistake of daydreaming about everything leading up to the wedding, and don't actually make practical plans for being actually emotionally and financially committed to someone on a day to day basis. Teen marriages can last, but the odds are against it (as you probably know). It's usually the husband that has the difficulty adapting to married life in the 4th or 5th year. He's looking and there are many single girls willing to lure him. It is a difficult time no matter what great intentions and promises are made as he enters the marriage. It's always best to wait until you are both over 21. All of the things so far could be said of marriages at any age. Most of them don't last. Most marriages in general don't last very well, either. That doesn't mean it's a totally stupid idea to think about, because it CAN still work. I'd recommend being completely sure before making any plans, but don't base it on some arbitrary age limit. Also, there's a cool story about a 14 year old and a 17 year old who ran away and got married against their parents' wishes. There was a news feature about them a few months ago, they are now 94 and 97 years old respectively, still married, and happy together.

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