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The law generally requires you to answer questions truthfully in court, although there is a constitutional exception made on the basis of the Fifth Amendment, which allows you to refuse to answer on the grounds that you may incriminate yourself. You do not, however, have the legal right to refuse to answer on the grounds that you have been threatened. If you have been threatened, the legally correct procedure would be to report that threat to the police so that they can arrest the person who threatened you, on the grounds of obstructing justice. In practice, this is not always the most effective approach, and the police cannot always protect you from everyone, so depending upon the circumstances, you might choose to violate the law, and lie in court. However, if at all possible, it is better to tell the truth so that justice can be done and guilty people can be convicted of their crimes. If they are not convicted, they will only be encouraged to commit more crimes. And if people can control you by making threats, that will encourage them to make more threats. This often has unfortunate results. So think carefully

Added: What the first contributor neglected to add: Regardless of your self-justification - if it is later found that you lied in court you can face prosecution for Criminal Contempt of Court. This is a criminal offense for whcih fines and/or jail time can be levied.

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