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SURE YOU DO. You can be over 100 years of age and could still meet the requirements of having to file an income tax return. Age does not have anything to do with the requirement to have to file an income tax return.

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Q: Do you have to pay taxes after age 70?
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Do you pay taxes after age seventy if you continue to work?

yes you do my father pays taxes he is 70

Does everyone pay FICA taxes?

I have an employee over 70 years of age, can she stop withholding her FICA taxes? (Social Security) Thank you

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Who is the child who paid tax at the age of 12?

Children at the age of 12 do not have to pay taxes. The parents of the child is the one who has to pay taxes.

Do I pay taxes on my 401K after age 62?

Yes, you will pay taxes on withdrawals from your 401(k) after age 62. The withdrawals are considered ordinary income and will be subject to income tax.

Does one pay fica taxes over 70 years of age?

No, individuals over the age of 70 are generally exempt from paying Social Security or Medicare taxes (FICA taxes) on any earned income. There is no age limit for paying income taxes on investment income, though.

Do you have to pay taxesfederal at or after age 70?


Does a 70-year-old pay taxes on income earned?

Yes, a 70-year-old may still need to pay taxes on income earned, depending on the amount and sources of income. Social Security benefits, pensions, retirement account distributions, and other forms of income may be subject to taxation at the federal or state level. It is advisable for individuals to consult with a tax professional for personalized advice.

Will you have to pay into social security after age 70?


Do 65 years old do you have to pay taxes?

Despite popular belief there is no age limit for which taxes do not depends merely on how the income was created and how much was created. There is no "Age Exemption" from paying taxes.

Do you pay taxes on pension at 65 years of age?

this depends on how much you make (ie other income) and not on the age of a person. There is no cut off age to taxes but depending on the income level there may not be any taxes that need to be paid.

Do you have to pay taxes on a 401K at age 59 12?

when you withdraw the money, yes.