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Adderall does not have Methamphetamine in it. Adderall is the brand name for the drug Amphetamine. Adderall will cause a drug test to read positive for amphetamines. It's main ingredient is Called DextroAmphetamine, which works very similar to meth, but not quite as serious. Adderal is often reffered to as "BABY METH"

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Q: Does Adderal have a methemphetimine in it?
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Side effects of 30 mg adderal?

when i took adderal, it made me hear voices and scared me a little.

Is Adderal an immunosupressant?

no, it is an amphetamine.

What is addreall for?

adderal is for add or adhd

What does AMP in drug dose mean?

Amp. On a drug test stands for Amphetamines, drugs like Adderal, Adderal XR, vyvanse, Ect.

Adderal and Strattera?

I don't understand what you are asking.

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Is aderal a narcotic?

Adderal is an amphetamine - and is habit forming.

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Can you fly with Adderall in your bag without a prescription?

If you did not have a prescription, it is illegal for you to have the Adderal. If you do have the Adderal legally, you should be fine as long as it is in the bottle the pharmacy issued it to you in. It is never wise to travel with unmarked pills, even when not flying.

Can you mix Concerta and adderal?

im not sure but there wouldn't be to much of a point in it as they are so alike

What exactly does adderal do?

Adderal is a mixture of stimulants (almost a drug cocktail) called dextroamphetamines. They increase levels of important neurotransmitters in the synapses of neurons (space between them, the junction) so that there is a higher effectiveness of these neurotransmitters. People with ADHD have improperly functioning neurotransmissions, so this drug fixes that imbalance by preventing reuptake of neurotransmitters that are already struggling. However, in a normal person, they are increasing action of already well functioning neurotransmitters. So, for a normal person, adderal makes them hyper, overstimulating brain action. For people with ADHD, adderal normalizes neurotransmissions and seems to calm them down (actually helping normalize their behavior).