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Yes, usually powder blue. In rare occasions they are white.

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11y ago

Normally light blue, but sometimes a white clutch is found.

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11y ago

No, they lay powder blue eggs.

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Q: What color eggs do bluebirds lay?
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How often do bluebirds lay their eggs?

They la 4-6 eggs per nest.

What other birds lay blue eggs besides the robin?

There are several species of birds other than robins that lay blue eggs. Bluebirds lay blue eggs, as well as starlings and house finches.

Which birds lay pale blue egg?

a dove is the bird that lays pale blue eggs.

What color are peacocks eggs?

Peacocks do not lay eggs, being males. Peahen eggs are an off-white.

How early in the spring do bluebirds lay eggs?

April in the south, May in the northern parts of it's range. May lay as early as late February in Florida.

I have bluebirds that nest in my box and have for the last 4 years They lay eggs but they never hatch Can you tell me why?

Watch the bluebirds closely to make sure that they incubate them. Also watch out for sparrows and other birds that may crack bluebird eggs or take over the nest.

Why do white hens lay white eggs and brown hens lay brown eggs and black hens don't lay black eggs?

Feather coloring does not influence the color of the egg laid. The breed of the hen dictates what color her eggs will be.

What kind of animal lays a blue egg?

Robins lay blue eggs, Araucana chickens lay blue eggs. Some grouse lay blue eggs as do Ardea Herodias (Great Blue Heron) The California Condor also lays a blue egg.

Do bluebird eggs have to be sat on to keep warm?

They could die, because it is to cold. However, bluebirds don't start to incubate them until all the eggs are laid. They lay 1 eggs per day.

What does it mean if zebra finchs lay green eggs?

they are just like chickens...... they can lay different color eggs

What color eggs do australorpe hens lay?


What color eggs do grosbeak lay?

black and whita