

Does a humpback have teeth

Updated: 11/13/2022
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12y ago

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Humpback whales are a species of baleen whale, meaning that they do not have teeth; rather, they have baleen plates that they use to filter seawater and extract small prey animals.

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Q: Does a humpback have teeth
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How much teeth does a humpback have?

How many teeth? None. Humpbacks are baleen whales.

What teeth do humpback whales baleen or toothed?

they have baleen.

Do humpback whales use jaws to chew food?

Humpback Whales don't have teeth. They just swallow everything they eat.

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What kind of teeth does a humpback whale have?

Humpbacks are baleen whales, filter feeders. They don't have anything resembling normal teeth.

Does the humpback whale have teeth?

No, they have baleen. Tooth buds do develop in fetuses, but these aren't retained.

Are a blue whales teeth the a killer whales teeth?

No the blue whales have bristles like the humpback to act as a filter to catch plankton and krill.

Are the humpback whales teeth called beleen?

No, they are called huts. They are brushy like a broom. Booyah!

How large are sperm whales teeth?

Sperm whales have 70 teeth, depending on their age.

Do humpback whales eat with other whales?

No, humpback whales only eat plankton and occasionally small fish. They have baleen instead of teeth so they wouldn't be able to bite at the whale shark. Whale sharks also eat plankton and sometimes small fish.

How many teeth does a humpback whale have?

I'm not sure myself but my mom says over 900 at least

What kind of whales have no teeth?

THE TOOTHLESS WHALES: blue whales, finback whales, right whales, sei whales, humpback whales, and gray whales. THE TOOTHED WHALES: white beluga whales, black beluga whales (pilot whales), orcas (killer whales), sperm whales.