

Does calculator in french have a un it or a une?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: Does calculator in french have a un it or a une?
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What are French pencil case items?

Some common items you might find in a French pencil case include pencils (crayons), pens (stylos), erasers (gommes), and pencil sharpeners (taille-crayons). French students also often have items like rulers (règles), markers (marqueurs), and highlighters (surligneurs) in their pencil cases.

What is car in French?

a car is 'une auto / une automobile' or 'une voiture' in French. It can als be 'un char' or 'un wagon' in Canadian French.

What are the French pencil case items?

Pencil - Un crayon Ruler - Une règle Compass - Un compas Calculator - Une calculatrice Rubber - Une gomme Scissors - Des ciseaux Sharpener - Un taille crayon pen - Un stylo Pencil Case - Une trousse Felt tip pens - des feutres Highlighter - un surligneur

When do you use un and une in french?

un for a masculine noun (un homme, un avion, un chat) une for feminine noun (une femme, une table, une chatte)

How do you spell a and an in French?

a and an are spelled 'un' or 'une' in French. Use 'un' with masculine nouns, and 'une' with feminine ones.

What is Teache in french mean?

'To teach' in French means 'enseigner'. 'A teacher' in French means 'un enseignant/une enseignante' or 'un professeur/une professeur' or 'un instituteur/une institutrice' or even 'un maître/une maîtresse (used more for younger children)'.

What is the name for French teachers?

A French teacher is un / une professeur. When teaching French, they are un / une professeur de français.

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Does hamburger have a un or une in french?

"un hamburger" (masc.)

Is park in french un or une?

un parc (masc.)

Is it un disques or une disques in french?

The correct article to use with "disques" in French is "des" which means "some" in English. So it should be "des disques" to say "some records" in English.

What do you call a french cop?

a French cop is 'un policier, une policière' in French. They are also refered to as 'un / une agent de police'. In familiar or slangish French, a policeman could be 'un flic'