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Yes, it really does take a community to raise a child well and with lots of love. It is doable to raise a child without a community, but it would be a lot of work for a small group of people.

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Q: What does it takes a community to raise a child?
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What is the meaning of the proverb it takes a village to raise a child?

It means it takes everyone to raise a child not just the individual.

What does the proverb it takes a whole village to raise a child mean?

The rearing of a child requires the collective efforts of the community, i.e. all those the child comes into contact with. This speaks to the need for support and positive influences.

What is the meaning of it takes the whole village to raise a child?

It means the entire local community is involved in the education and growth of children - they learn from what they see outside their home environment.

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It takes 18 years, and even after that you're still a parent.

Explain what it means it takes a village to raise a child?

"It takes a village to raise a child" means that it requires a community effort to provide the necessary support, guidance, and resources for a child to thrive. This idea highlights the importance of collective responsibility in nurturing and raising well-rounded individuals.

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Perfect age is 27 years old. At that age your body is fully mature and you are old enough to raise a child. Parenting is a tough job and it takes the ability to be able to raise a child and the experience to know what to do.

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How do you raise your child sims grade fast?

It usually takes a couple days to raise it but have its parent teach it how to do homework and make sure its homework is done as soon as thay get home from school.