

Does matter expand or contract when it is heated?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: Does matter expand or contract when it is heated?
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Does matter contract or expand when heated?

Matter expands when it is heated.

Does matter expand or contract when it's heated?


Does matter expand or contract when heated up?

Matter expands when it is heated.

Does gases contract when heated?

No, gasses expand when heated and contract when cooled.

Do liquides contract when heated?

Liquids expand when heated and contract when cooled.

Oil expand or contract when heated?

Oil does expand when heated and contracts when cooled.

What happens to matter when heated?

When matter is heated it will expand

Is liquid expand when heated?

Yes, in general a liquid will expand when heated. They contract when they are cooled.

Do any metals contract when heated?

No, metals always expand when heated and contract only when cooled.

Liquids contract when heated?

Liquids expand when heated and contractwhen cooled.

What matter expand and contract?

explain how temperature affects matter using the words contract and expand

What happens to matter when it is heated SCIENCE?

It will expand.