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Yes they have deacons.they are before becoming priest.The elders mostly we called the Bishops and the Pope.

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Q: Does the church have deacons or elders or both?
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What is the job description of qualified elders in the church of Christ?

Paul reveals the qualifications and qualities necessary for both elders (bishops) and deacons of the church in 1 Timothy 3and Titus 1. Rather than list them here, the scriptures should be directly consulted by all concerned.

Why don't Baptists have elders?

Baptists call their elders deacons. This name is in the Bible and many baptist churches try to follow the letter of the Bible when organizing their church.

Church in Scotland governed by elders?

The Church of Scotland, which is Presbyterian in structure; also other presbyterian churches such as the Free Church of Scotland, the United Free Church of Scotland, and other even smaller denominations. They all have a body of elders, known as a kirk session, who oversee the running of the church, and each have responsibility for groups of church members, usually geographical. Another body, variously known as a deacons court or congregational board, is composed of elected deacons and runs the financial and other more mundane aspects of church operation.

Do the pastor make all decision in the baptist church?

No, they are made by the board of Deacons or Elders along with the pastor. then the congregation is told and they usually have the right to vote on any major decision if they are members of the church.

Are elders in the Bible different than deacons in the Bible?

In the New Testament an "Elder" was classed as the same as a "Pastor". Sometimes they are referred to as Bishops or Overseers. They were the leaders in the church. A Deacon is "one who executes the commands of another, a servant. Stephen, the martyr was a deacon. Deacons today assist the pastor in different areas of service to the church.

In a church who should sign the contractual agreement deacons or trustees?

In SBC church many of the trustees are the deacons.

What do you call a Church of England minister?

In the Methodist Church hierarchy, Bishops. At the local church level, the pastor is as high as you go. There may be deacons or lay leaders, but this is not the typical form of leadership as compared to deacons in the Baptist church or elders in the Church of Christ.

Who conducts a church service?

Who conducts a church service? Well I believe that a Resident Pastor or Bishop of that church is qualified to conduct a service for the church. On occasion when the Pastor or Bishop are not around to minister, the elders can take control of the ministering and the conduction of the service in the morning and afternoon {If applicable}. Primarily it is either the Pastor or the Bishop. In the event of a church having Deacons instead of elder- they are not allowed to preach or conduct a service simply because Deacons (1st Tim 3:10) are only servants in the church whereas elders (1st Tim 3:2) are teachers or preachers. I hope this answers the question!

Who is the usher in your church?

In our church, usually the deacons do the ushering.

Why does the deacons hold the candle?

Not all deacons hold candles. It must be a tradition in your church.

How many deacons in the Catholic Bible?

There were seven men chosen by the early Church as deacons.

What was a protestant priests life like before the Reformation?

Before the Reformation, there were two Christian religions-the Roman Catholic and the Eastern Orthodox. Both had priests as well as bishops and deacons. There was no such thing as Protestant priests before the Reformation. After the Lutheran Church was founded, the word priest was dropped and today in the Lutheran church, they ordain deacons, pastors or elders and in some Lutheran sects, bishops. The Anglican Church after the Reformation, was and is considered a "bridge" between the Roman Catholics and the Calvinists and Lutherans. They ordain deacons, priests and bishops like in the Catholic and Orthodox faiths. The primary difference at the time the Church of England was founded in the 16th century, was the Mass would be spoken in English not Latin.