

Does the tongue hurt during the week after it is pierced?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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12y ago

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everyone is different.

my daughter got a piercing under the tongue and said itdid not hurt, months later got another piercing at the tip of the tongue and said hell ya it hurts. others friends of mine saidactualy two out of three said yes it hurt for a day or two.

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Q: Does the tongue hurt during the week after it is pierced?
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Getting your tongue pierced doesn't hurt during the procedure but for about a week after it will hurt to eat and talk.i have never got one done but i would like to no how old you have to at least be to get oen???????

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Typically, a tongue piercing may hurt more than a lip piercing, as the tongue is a sensitive and muscular area. However, pain perception can vary from person to person. Both piercings may cause discomfort during the procedure and while the area is healing.

What is it like to get your tongue pierced?

Well, the actual process might hurt (it hurts some and doesn't hurt others). The healing hurts, too, for about a week. But after that, it is sooo much fun!

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no. honestly i didn't even feel a thing and anyone you ask would say the same thing. but it does get sore for the next week source: i peirced my tongue web my self and have had it for 4 months

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Depends but usually no more than a week

What can happen if you perice your tongue your self?

by experience i did mine wrong and i pierced a vain all that happen was that my tongue got num for a week and there was alot of blood

Can alcohol peroxside clean a tong piercing?

i wouldn't clean a tongue piercing with peroxide. when you first get your tongue pierced you're suppose to clean it with antiseptic mouth wash and you are suppose to drink liquids for a whole week when you first get it pierced.

If you just got your tongue pierced a few day ago and it still bleeds a little?

I've had my tonuge pierced for bout 8 weeks .. its normal for your tongue to bleed but if its does go away with in another week or 2 weeks you should have it checked out

How long will it take to stop hurting when you get your tongue pierced?

When I got my tongue pierced a few years ago it was fairly swollen and semi-painful for about a week or so. After that it only would hurt when I accidentally would pull it during eating or something. Number one, eat before getting it pierced! Sounds stupid but you wont be able to eat to your hearts content for a little while due to the swelling and pain. Carry around a water bottle with alcohol free mouthwash and water, half and half. Always rinse your mouth out after eating. I would suck on ice and drink ice water and popsicles and stuff. All these things will keep the swelling and pain down significantly. It really shouldnt hurt hurt after a week or so, but getting used to eating is the hardest part. After a few weeks or a month or so it should be pretty healed.

Is it normal for a tongue piercing to hurt and puss after a week?

after a weeek it will still kinda hurt :/ it shouldn't be pussing tho, i have my tongue done twice and nothing like that :l

I got my tongue pierced just under a week ago and there is a crater like indent developing on the top of my tongue. Why is this and what can I do to get rid of it?

This is because of the jewelry resting on the top of the piercing. I got one with my belly button and my tongue. But the one on my belly button is gone now, and the one on my tongue is almost gone. I got my tongue and belly button pierced about two months ago.