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He was crucified on a cross - His hands and feet were nailed to the wood after he was forced to carry it up to the right place. Jesus was made to wear a crown of thorns and a sign was put above him saying: JESUS KING OF THE JEWS. Crucifixion in Roman times was the standard method of execution for non-Romans (Roman citizens were beheaded by a sword) and is the cruelllest method of putting to death ever thought up by humans. Crucifixion of Christians still takes place unofficially in some countries even today by lynch mobs, especially in countries where even possession of a bible is a criminal offence. The victim was first scourged (whipped) using first a leather whip and then a 'flagrum' which was a leather whip in which lead pellets were sewn so that they would dig into the flesh and when the whip was removed for the next stroke, would tear the flesh and muscle right to the bone. The number of strokes varied, but 40 was regarded as too many by law, so the usual number of strokes was 39. Most victims did not survive the scourging but their dead bodies would still be crucified as an example to others. Victims who survived the scourging would be strapped to the crossbar (not the whole cross which could be dragged and would be easier to transport) so that rough hewn timber would dig into the wounds from the scourging. The victim would be forced to walk to the place of execution carrying the crossbar where the upright would be wedged in the ground ready. The victim was stripped naked to maximise the shame (nakedness was regarded as a shameful condition in those days). Then large nails would be nailed into the victims wrists to fix the arms to the crossbar. This meant that the nail would pass through the main nerves to the hands inflicting maximum pain. The crossbar and the victim would be winched up so that the crossbar could slide over the upright through a wide hole in the crossbar, forming a traditional cross shape. A third nail was struck through the the ankles and the feet held sideways on the crossbar. In Jesus' case a crown made out of thorns was also placed on his head both inflict more pain and also to mock him as the 'king of the Jews'. The victim's feet would be just a couple of feet above the ground and so the baying crowd would be able to spit at the victim or throw rotten vegetables, stones or even excrement at them. Death came through asphyxiation as fluid collected in the lungs, by blood loss, by exposure and by shock. Some relief from the pain and suffocation was obtained by the victim pushing up with his legs, and so if a victim had not died after a set period of time the soldiers would break their legs with a hammer speeding up death. In Jesus' case this was not done as the soldier realised that after some time on the cross he had already died, but to make sure, thrust his spear in his side, where an eyewitness (John) reported the flow of 'blood' and 'water' - clot and serum - confirming death. In Jesus' case the merchant Joseph of Arimathea asked for the body to give it a proper burial. If there was no family to do this the body would be removed from the cross (which would then be ready for the next victim) and left on the rubbish tip outside the city to be eaten by wild animals, carrion crows and so on. The Gospels then report that Jesus was buried in a tomb, but on the Sunday after the Friday of the Crucifixion, the tomb was found empty and reports that Jesus had been resurrected from death spread very quickly, and many people (500 on one occasion) reported seeing the resurrected Christ and were so convinced of their sightings that they were willing to die for what they believed in.

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Roman soldiers were highly trained in the art of torture. As with modern military personel, they were de-humanized as part of their training. Modern military techniques are quite similar in programming the minds of the enlisted. They surrender their individualism for the greater good of the state.

The Roman act of crucifixion was twofold in it's purpose. First, to squash any resistance to the Empire. And to make those convicted an example to the rest of the world.

Nailed to a cross, through either hands or wrists, and ankles, and left to die of shock, loss of blood or suffication when suspension inhibited regular breathing, then left for days, after death to provide food for scavanging birds.

This was a vivid reminder that Ceasar was in charge. To step out of line could bring on the most dire of consequenses. Due to the fact that Jesus had as many friends as enemies, His body was not left on the cross as was the custom. Joseph of Arimethea used his influence to take possession of the body of Christ and entomb it immedately after death.

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