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2mo ago

The main problem for the depletion of water is over-extraction for agriculture, industry, and domestic use, leading to groundwater depletion and water scarcity. Climate change is also exacerbating this issue by altering precipitation patterns and increasing drought conditions. Governance failures, such as lack of regulations and unsustainable water management practices, further contribute to water depletion.

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14y ago

Our resources such as iron ore, coal, limestone, wood, seafood,water and air.

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15y ago

The reduction of the amount of water in store.

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9y ago

The depletion of water resources is due to many causes. Over population is one.

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12y ago

by sun, human activities, global warming (indiectly)

over heating etc.................

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11y ago

Fresh water is decreasing because factories put their waste into oceans/rivers that are closest near by and then fresh water spoils.

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8y ago

This is usually caused by excessive pumping for either city or agricultural water supplies.

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Q: What is the main problem for the depletion of water?
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