

How are vertebrates alike?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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11y ago

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they all have backbones and they have to live in water or in land

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Q: How are vertebrates alike?
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Both are vertebrates.

How are vertsbrates alike?

All Vertebrates are alike in that they all have Backbones.BTW: That's what the name means ...They are a sub-phylum (vertebrata) of chordates that have spinal columns.

How are mammals and humans alike?

Humans are mammals. They are warm-blooded vertebrates, they have a body covering of hair or fur, they suckle their young with milk and they have specialized teeth.

Do all vertebrates eat the same kinds of food?

The first and most basic distinction is to separate them into mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians. But, every species is different and in a species there can be subspecies with their own differences. So, there are as many differences as there are species.

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They are both found in Kingdom Animalia and Phylum Chordata. They are both vertebrates, are terestrial animals, and depend on sexual reproduction to propogate their offspring.

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Snakes are vertebrates.

How are hummingbirds and blue jays alike?

both lay eggs skin is covered by feathers both are vertebrates both are lightweight and usually hollow or spongy.

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A toucan is a bird, and all birds are vertebrates.

How is a ducks and chickens alike?

Birds and mice are vertebrates, they have warm bodies, hearts, muscles, lungs, eyes (two each), 4 limbs, digestive systems (some like the same foods)...

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Dolphins are vertebrates.

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Ostrich's are vertebrates as they have a spine.